I like the philosophy of a place to discuss issues that affect us as bloggers. Am seeing this more as a collective than a lobby. Lobby somehow seems to suggest a 'cause' - what is the cause here?
I'd hate this to become a watchdog though, or take on any form of policing or decision-making or censuring.
Lets instead engage in conversations around issues and embrace diversity.
To start off - some of the issues that i face as a blogger, these are personal and perhaps aren't BURNING issues :)
- balancing work, family, life and blogging - maybe we can learn something from discussions around how people manage these and what they gain from blogging?
- how much to reveal in a corporate blog/media blog - where do we draw the line? Take the case of Mediaah - much as i am pained about the shutting out of a voice - was Pradyuman naive not to expect this fallout having gone after the TOI hammer and tongs? If you're willing to pack a punch, the other has the right to retort, no? Don't we see this happening in comments at our own blogs on issues? Or take the case of
Apple winning a suit to get three bloggers to reveal sources of insider info?
- which leads into the question of blogging ethics - what do others feel about this - should there be any or not ???
- and another on the power of blogging and what it can mean and do? And in recognising the power of blogging, what is mature and what is not?
- what can we do to gain more respect as bloggers, how to popularise blogging in India in several fields - the arts, non-profits, corporate, media, sports, etc etc etc. What values can we leverage and how?
- and on a very personal note - how do others handle partners/family who don't always understand our addiction or obsession with blogging? My husband calls himself a blog-widower :)
Really looking forward to some good discussion here. Thanks Peter !